
Welcome to Blue Jay Diaries.

Ruminations on sustainable living, regenerative agriculture, intriguing creatures, ecology, environment, and some more, find a place here.

This blog is the namesake of one of my favourite birds, the iridescent Indian Roller or the Indian Blue Jay, the state bird of Karnataka, my home in India.

An environmental engineer by training, a software marketer by profession, nature writer and natural farmer by passion, I now meld it all to run Green Goobé (pronounced GOO-bay) Zero Waste Living, a sustainable entrepreneurial venture making naural cleaners that are lab-tested, nonpolluting, nontoxic, biodegradable and come packed in zero waste, reused containers.

Nature inspires and moves me. It is my bulwark in every sense of the word against a sapping urban existence. Together with my family, I run Navilu Kaadu, a zero-chemical, biodiverse wild farm on the outskirts of Mysuru. In a landscape where wild habitats are shrinking at breakneck speed, stewarding Navilu Kaadu is a modest attempt at restoring a once chemically-farmed degraded land into a biodiverse food forest, for all sorts of beings, the rightful dwellers of the land. We practice regenerative agriculture, receive what the land gifts us, while sharing the land with all its critters.

I write about this patch of land and its wild creatures in a monthly column called ‘Rooting For Nature’ in Deccan Herald, the beloved newspaper I grew up with. Visit the Rooting For Nature page on this blog to read my columns. 

Sustainable entrepreneurship, restoring biodiversity on a barren patch of land and sharing my nature-fixation via the written word….where am I journeying with all of this?

All of this is my way dealing with years of climate anxiety, going beyond wiringing my hands in helplessness, to getting down into the trenches to find solutions, however small, to the menace of deforestation, habitat loss, environmental pollution, the garbage menace and people’s disconnectedness with nature.

Thanks for stopping by! 



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@ramyacoushik on Instagram
